Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mineral Policy (KPMP) 2014
SIDMIN Consulting Geoscientist Fuzail Siddiqui is the focal person and principal author of above policy who gave insight of mining and mineral projects to be undertaken
Dasht-e-Kain Porphyry Copper and Adjacent Mineral Prospects in Exploration License Areas of Everest Gold Inc. in Chagai District, Balochistan, Pakistan
As part of on-going project management services the above NI 43-101 Compliant Report (52 pages and 25 illustrations) was written for a junior mining company based in Toronto, Canada.
Chiniot and Rajoa Iron Ore and Associated Metallic Minerals Prospect, Chiniot District, The Punjab, Pakistan
As Consulting Geoscientist to the Mines and Minerals Department (MMD), Government of the Punjab, Lahore, a NI 43-101 Compliant Report ( 60 pages and 17 illustrations) was compiled on the above Chiniot and Rajoa deposits discovered by Geological Survey of Pakistan in 1989 and by Punjab Mineral Development Corporation (by RDC 2000), respectively. This report summarized all available past literature on the deposits and proposed an exploration program, including drilling, to progress these potentially iron-copper-gold deposit to the feasibility study stage.
Modeling of Chambishi Southern Mineralisation (123 Borehole Database) Using the Lynx Mine Modeling System by Dr. Fuzail Siddiqui, Lynx Project Coordinator and Sebastian Haabanyama Project Geologist
As project coordinator for the Lynx Geological and Mine Modeling System of Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) Ltd, above report ( 20 pages and 13 illustrations) was presented to Operations Center, Technical Services, Group Geological Services, Kalulushi.
May 1998
Publications and Presentations
For copies CONTACT US.
April, 2009:
Sixth Razi Siddiqi Memorial Lecture on New Standards in Conduct and Reporting of Mineral Exploration Projects
Organized by Society of Economic Geologists & Mineral Technologists (SEGMITE) and Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP)
Geology of the Red Lake Mine, Ontario, Canada: the Richest Grade Gold Mine in the World, GMFC Newsletter Volume 22, Number 1, Pages 9-12
18-20 January, 2000:
On-Site Daily Mineralogy- SIDMIN Program Proceedings-32nd Annual Meeting of Canadian Mineral Processors, Ottawa.
8th March 2000:
Experiences of a Mine-Site Mineralogist
November 2000:
High Grade Gold Targets at the Red Lake Mine Property of Goldcorp Inc. Ontario Canada
Enhanced Exploration Proposal Submitted in response to Goldcorp’s online global competition “The Challenge”
October 1995:
Manpower Development for Computer Applications in Geology and Mining- a ZCCM Case History
CAMI’95 3rd Canadian Conference on Computer Applications in the Mineral Industry, Montreal, Quebec
July 1973:
Alkaline Rock of Ijolitic Affinity from Tarbela Dam Area
Geonews, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Quetta, Vol.III, No.1, Page 17
Studies of Indigenous Iron and Chromite Ores- A Discussion Pakistan Journal of Science, Vol 23, Nos. 5 & 6, Page 193
Siddiqui, Fuzail., Anis A. Abbasi and Zahid Anwar Malik 1970:
Lahore, Reprint from Souvenir National Seminar on Mineral Development Lahore, Geology Department, University of The Punjab
Geo-Scientific Organizations of Pakistan, Reprint from Souvenir National Seminar on Mineral Development Lahore Geology Department, University of The Punjab, Lahore
Siddiqui, Fuzail., M.Nawaz Chaudhry and Abdul Shakoor 1968:
Geology and petrology of the Feldspathoidal Syenites and the associated rocks of the Koga Area, Chamla Valley, Swat, West Pakistan The Geological Bulletin of the University of the Punjab, Number 7, Pages 1-30
Announcement by Dr. Fuzail Siddiqui of the first ever discovery of Carbonatite in Pakistan within Koga Nepheline-Syenite.
1967 Note on the discovery of Carbonatite rocks in the Chamla area, Swat State, West Pakistan, The Geological Bulletin of The Punjab University, Pages 85-92
Announcement by Dr. Fuzail Siddiqui of the first ever discovery of Nepheline Syenite and associated alkaline rocks at Koga, Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
1965 Alkaline Rocks in Swat-Chamla The Geological Bulletin of the University of the Punjab Number 5, Page 52
October 1964:
The Geology and Mineralization of the Area between Newlyn and Mousehole Cornwall
A Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Science of the University of London,
by Fuzail Siddiqui M.Sc., Department of Geology University of London, King’s College, London W.C.2.
First ever regional geological mapping of lower Swat region
N. R. Martin, Fuzail Siddiqui and B.H. King 1962 Geological Reconnaissance of the region between the Lower Swat and Indus Rivers of Pakistan
The Geological Bulletin of the University of the Punjab, Number 2, Pages 1-13
Mufti I., Fuzail Siddiqui 1961 A Gravity Survey of Quetta and Mastung Valleys, Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol. 4, No.1, Pages 15-20