Company Profile


SIDMIN Vision:

Prosperity and progress through mineral production

SIDMIN Mission:

To provide quality geoscientific expertise cost effectively and ethically. To assist clients discover, explore, mine, process and market minerals safely, with minimum possible impact on the environment and with maximum possible social responsibility.


SIDMIN is a group of talented geoscientists specializing in mineral exploration, resource assessment and mining geology supported by associate experts in survey and GIS, geophysics, computer geology and mining engineering, metallurgy,  high definition mineralogy, mineral chemistry and legal/financial expertise in mineral investment. The group is led by one of the senior most consulting geoscientists of international repute and with a multidisciplinary blend of expertise in both theoretical and applied geosciences. He has been providing services since 1960 first as university level teacher and researcher, then as an on-site process mineralogist, mineral chemist and mining/computer geologist in one of the largest mining/metallurgy conglomerates of the world. Since 1998 he has worked as an independent consulting geoscientist for international clients including Canadian, Australian and African junior mining companies and governments of the Punjab, Federally administered tribal areas (FATA) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan. He is the focal person and Principal Author of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa mineral policy (KPMP) 2014. Mineral projects in which SIDMIN provided geoscientific consultancy services are mainly spread over various regions of Pakistan such as Chagai in Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, Chitral, Dir, Swat, Hazara and Chiniot in Punjab.

No mineral related project is too small or too big for SIDMIN as demonstrated by following comprehensive list of services provided:

  • Identification and certification of minerals and rocks for individuals as well as junior and major companies

  • Identification of mineral prospects for clients interested in mineral sector investment .

  • Expert opinion on profit potential of mineral prospects/ mines on offer to clients for investment

  • Determination of geological controls of mineralizations and identifications of ore body models

  • Mineral exploration projects, planning, budgeting and management

  • Quality control for all exploration activities in accordance with internationally recognized Exploration Best Practices Guidelines

  • Planning and implementation of drilling program

  • Advice on mineral processing

  • Verification and disclosure of exploration data and information

  • Computer processing of exploration data, 3D geological and mine modeling and resource/reserve estimation

  • Compilation of pre-feasibility and feasibility study reports

  • Advice on overall design of mining and mineral processing operations

  • Mine planning/scheduling and mining geology

  • Advice on environmental management of mining/mineral processing operations

  • Advice on mine closure and rehabilitation

  • Advice on mineral transactions and legal documentations

SIDMIN group leader is a Practicing Member of “Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (APGO)”, Canada with membership number 0859. He is entitled to practice as a Qualified Person (QP) as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101. According to international standards any disclosure of exploration data/Information must be signed and dated by a QP before soliciting public investment.