
What do Our Clients Say?


(Above) SIDMIN Consulting Geoscientist, Fuzail Siddiqui holds a 400 oz (12.5 Kg) Gold bar at AGM of Goldcorp in Toronto, Canada. His gold exploration proposal, for Red Lake gold mine in Ontario, was considered worthy of an award of $10,000 in the ‘Challenge’ web based global competition launched by Goldcorp in 2000.

Robert R. McEwen, Chairman and CEO of GOLD CORP INC. Toronto, Ontario, Canada wrote:

Dear Fuzail;

Congratulations on your achievement!

You have won much more than a semi-finalist spot in the Goldcorp Challenge. You are now part of an elite group of Internet Explorers who are making mining history…

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Mayor David Miller and Members of Toronto City Council Extend Their Sincere Appreciation to

Fuzail Siddiqui

in honour of your valuable contribution as a volunteer. Volunteers regard themselves as ordinary people but, in fact, are our greatest resource and the heart and soul of our warm and caring city…

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Ms. Sue Sherban, the Mayor of Whitechurch-Stouffville, Ontario presents

Dr. Fuzail Siddiqui, P.Geo,

the Rouge River Keepers Award at a ceremony held at Community Center in Markham, Ontario Canada on October 7, 2004.

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 Jeff Robertson, Turf Superintendent, Station Creek Golf Club, Gormley, Ontario wrote :

It is my pleasure to recommend Fuzail Siddiqui.

I worked with Fuzail for four years from 2000-2003 during which time he worked as seasonal laborer at Station Creek Golf Club in the turf department.

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Joellen Zeh, Program Manager of Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program (ACSP) for golf courses wrote:

Welcome to the Audubon Steward Network! Thank you for your continued commitment and dedication to environmental stewardship, and particularly, to the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program. With a limited staff and budget, we rely on stewards (like you) to be our local representatives of the ACSP.

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Contact Us

SIDMIN Consulting International (SIDMIN)
Fuzail Siddiqui PhD, P.Geo.
Consulting Geoscientist,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Contact No:
+92 (0) 332 449 2229,
+92 (0) 51 5708730

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