At SIDMIN, we offer compilation of Canadian National Instrument (NI) 43-101 compliant reports on your mineral properties, by a Qualified Person (QP).( For example titles of reports written)
Comprehensive mineral exploration services involving, but not limited to :
- Project management
- Legal advice on Mining
- Mineral exploration (In line with international best practices guidelines)
- Drilling program
- Budgeting
- Quality control
- Resources/Reserves estimation
- Mining geology
- Process mineralogy
Identification and evaluation of minerals and rocks by our team ( Click here for free sample identification… ) includes :
- Expert mineral ID by physical, chemical and instrumental methods
- Whole rock mineralogy, petrology and chemistry
- Micro-chemical identification of mineral grains
- Sale/Purchase of certified quality mineral specimens for collector
Environmental Services include:
- Compilation of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE ) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports
- Environmental management, planning of operating mines and metallurgical plants
- Environmental sampling and analysis
Computer Geology Services:
- Geological interpretation
- Computer handling of exploration data
- Computer aided 3D modeling
- Mineral resource/reserve estimation (Incl. application of Geostatistics)
- -Disclosure in accordance with international terminology
- 3D mine modeling
- Mine production, planning and scheduling
- Environmental management of golf courses
- Environmental sampling and analysis
- Audubon steward services
- Audubon cooperative sanctuary program (ACSP) certification
Specialized training courses are also being offered by our team pertaining to :
- Internationally recognized exploration best practices guidelines
- International standards for public disclosure of exploration data and information
- Internationally recognized mineral resources and reserves definitions
- Principles of geo-statistics
- Micro-chemical identification of ore mineral grains
- -Process mineralogy techniques